
Recovered visual6502.org wiki - beta release

Main Page - VisualChips

Main Page

From VisualChips

Welcome to the visualchips wiki. Please see also the visual6502.org site which contains the backstory, useful links, a FAQ, and a link to the project blog.

We’re all about reverse-engineering popular chips from the 70’s and 80’s - initially the 6502 but others too. This wiki is for documenting our findings and recording our sources, and is of course a work in progress.

The online help for our JavaScript simulator is also here, to help you get the most from that. (Note that it’s only a switch-level simulator - our data also supports more accurate models. For most purposes, there’s no difference.) For help on reading the layout, interpreting transistor circuits, and more about digital design, please see the Visual Circuit Tutorial over at NESdev.

To navigate this wiki, please see

Projects and status

Here’s the state of play of the chips we’re most actively working on. (See also the wiki index for exploration.)

More chips

We have a number of other chips, including some generous donations, all in the queue to be reverse engineered:

If you have other historic chips, we’re interested in donations! Please also see the donations status page on our main website.

Contributing to this wiki

Please see our policy page before making contributions

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