Recovered wiki - beta release
See Wikipedia for good technical and historical information and references on the Motorola 6800.
We depackaged, deprocessed and photographed a later depletion-load version of the chip, which shows signs in the layout of the previous enhancement-load version. Ijor then captured polygons from the photos - here are JPEG images, which may be easier to explore than the svg format:
The recaptured polygon data closely resembles the original layout which defined the masks used to manufacture the chip, and is a great deal easier to study than the photographs.
From the polygons we were able to construct a netlist, and Segher then labelled many of interior nodes, and so we present our JavaScript simulator: (graphical mode)(non-graphical mode). As with our 6502 simulator, you can explore the layout and the behaviour, find signals and transistors by name, and share short test programs by URL.
We’ve found these interesting features (more detail to be added):
Here’s the block diagram from the 1976 topology patent (See also this later patent.):
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